30 days of yes

As I was stopped at a red light today, I saw an old lady standing at her mailbox waiting for the mailman to come. She had been standing there before I pulled up and as I drove off I saw her open her mailbox and peer inside, perhaps wondering if she had somehow missed the delivery. As I was watching this lady, my future flashed before my eyes. I could see myself in painstaking detail doing the exact same thing 60 years down the road…the only excitement in my day being when the mailman comes. At 28 I have had ample opportunity for excitement and adventure, however, I don’t always jump at the chance once it is presented to me.

Today that changes.

Today I challenge myself to 30 days of yes. 30 days of saying yes to any and all opportunities presented to me, big or small. Whether it be going out to dinner with friends, working out, karaoke, getting a tattoo (well, maybe not that one…needles scare the bejeesus out of me), weekend trips…I will say yes. No excuses can be accepted (i.e., I’m tired, I’ve got to work tomorrow, etc.)

So now I challenge you, my friends, to challenge me. I’m up for it. Are you?



*Credit for the idea of 30 Days of Yes goes to Intern Imani from The Bert Show

One comment on “30 days of yes

  1. …I just realized we’re the same age.

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