And she’s back!

It’s January 2, 2013. New year, new resolutions, same dreams. This year my resolutions are simple:

1) Be open to new experiences.
2) Be a better version of myself.
3) Resume the blog.

So far the year is starting with me sick on the couch, so I’ve got a full day of movies and naps lined up!!

Lyndi and Lucas: Engaged!!!

This past weekend I had the privilege of assisting with my friend, Lyndi’s, proposal! Her boyfriend, Lucas, (now fiance!) planned a super sweet proposal and wanted someone to take pictures of the morning. I was more than happy to help! Here are some highlights 🙂


Lyndi’s best friend came into town to surprise her…I think it worked! Cue the waterworks!!ImageImageImageImageImage

Helmet hair

There is a little girl in my apartment complex who always wears a bike helmet. At first I thought it was a protective medical helmet…oh no…it is a legit bike helmet. She wears it outside when she is playing. Without a bike.It is almost as if she is so determined to have a bike that by wearing this helmet she will get one.

I admire that kind of determination.



Anderson AC Hinds

Sunday was a sad day. My mom called to let me know that our sweet little cat Anderson ‘AC’ had been hit by a car. My parents found him in front of our house when they got back from a trip to Huntsville on Saturday. So I guess technically Saturday was a sad day.

Anderson, I’ll miss you. You were such a sweet kitty. I love you always…

Movin’ on up

As the weeks tick by, so too should my ability to run distances. At least one would assume so.

This is not the case. I am finding it harder to keep my spirits up when all I want to do is collapse in a heap and rip my lungs out. Ashley is keeping me going, and for that I am grateful. Also keeping me going is remembering what and who I am running for. I am running for those who are laying in bed with illness and unable to even get up in the morning. I’m running for those who are waiting for a life saving treatment or medication that our donations and fundraising is going to help pay for. I am running for those waiting for a cure. Because we are going to find a cure for cancer. That is what keeps me going.

I need you to help keep me going. Without your donations, I won’t be able to keep going. Please donate here! Help save lives 🙂


Tonight it will seem real, this half marathon madness. I have an orientation meeting of sorts. I have been telling as many people as I can, perhaps some way to hold me accountable? Maybe this will push me to keep going. All I know is it is only 1:40 in the afternoon and I am dead tired….

Half marathon?

I am not a runner.

Don’t be shocked.

But I am in my 30 days of yes and my slave driver dear friend, Ashley, sent me this text just minutes after I posted my last entry: “Want to join the walk team for the country music half marathon?!? Since you are saying yes this year?!” UGH!!!! In all honestly completing a half marathon is on my unofficial bucket list…but right off the bat I wasn’t expecting that to be my first offer. I didn’t say yes right away, but I didn’t say no either. This morning much to Ash’s delight I said yes. Yes to 6:45am Saturday morning team run/walks. Yes to 13.1 hideous miles.

To be totally honest, I’m pumped.

30 days of yes

As I was stopped at a red light today, I saw an old lady standing at her mailbox waiting for the mailman to come. She had been standing there before I pulled up and as I drove off I saw her open her mailbox and peer inside, perhaps wondering if she had somehow missed the delivery. As I was watching this lady, my future flashed before my eyes. I could see myself in painstaking detail doing the exact same thing 60 years down the road…the only excitement in my day being when the mailman comes. At 28 I have had ample opportunity for excitement and adventure, however, I don’t always jump at the chance once it is presented to me.

Today that changes.

Today I challenge myself to 30 days of yes. 30 days of saying yes to any and all opportunities presented to me, big or small. Whether it be going out to dinner with friends, working out, karaoke, getting a tattoo (well, maybe not that one…needles scare the bejeesus out of me), weekend trips…I will say yes. No excuses can be accepted (i.e., I’m tired, I’ve got to work tomorrow, etc.)

So now I challenge you, my friends, to challenge me. I’m up for it. Are you?



*Credit for the idea of 30 Days of Yes goes to Intern Imani from The Bert Show

So long, 2011…

I realize I haven’t done a spectacular job posting so far (several people have brought this to my attention as well!), but I hope to change that.

A few highlights from 2011:

  • I visited London and fell in love (with the country) and Paris
  • my niece was born
  • my diamond got married
  • my nephew, Aidan turned 3
  • my 28th birthday – including a trip to Atlantic City with my dear friend Meah 🙂
  • starting a new part of my job by moving out the schools
  • my 10 year high school reunion

So farewell, 2011, it’s been real, it’s been fun, but I am much rather looking forward to 2012.

Things on my agenda for the new year:

  • Hot Yoga
  • moving in closer to downtown
  • learning more about my camera
  • taking more pictures
  • posting more…
  • crafting
  • London

I hope the new year is wonderful for everyone!